Hydration tips

Posted by Charlotte Miller on

When it’s spring in Melbourne, we never know if it’s going to be 15 degrees or 35! But with the weather hotting up lately, we thought it was a good time to talk about hydration. Did you know:

One of the ways our body can cool down when it’s hot is through sweating. And we’re fascinated to find out that there is a huge variety in sweat volume from person to person. A good way to work out how much fluid you’ve lost through sweat is by weighing yourself before and after intense exercise sessions. If you’ve lost a kilo in weight, that means a kilo in fluid (1 litre) that needs to be replaced. You’ll also continue to sweat more for some time after the exercise is finished, so keep drinking extra in the hours following a workout.

Another good way to tell if you’re drinking enough is by the colour of your urine. Dark or deep yellow coloured urine means your body is trying to conserve water, and as a general rule, indicates that you haven’t been drinking enough. Pale, straw coloured urine is optimal, and a good sign that your body is well hydrated.

And one more tip: water is great, but it’s not the only way to keep hydrated. You could drink homemade iced teas, sparkling water with a splash of juice, or kombucha. Your body also gets fluid from liquid-containing foods like yoghurt, smoothies, soups, fruit and vegetables that contain water. Not only do these help with hydration, but they contain many of the salts and electrolytes that we lose more when we get all hot and sweaty. Win win!

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