Convenience foods and why we love them

Posted by Charlotte Miller on

Convenience! Something we all rely on in many aspects of our life. You won’t be surprised but at We Feed You, we think of this from a food sense! What does a dietitian think of convenience foods….. well they can be excellent! Anything that helps you put a nutritious meal together quickly is an absolute winner! 

So how to build a pantry/fridge/freezer for convenience? There are a number of ways, we think foods that you can stockpile and have waiting for a rainy day are the way to go. These are typically non-perishable foods that you can have on the shelf for some time and can be whipped together quicker than you can pick up the phone and order dinner. We also think it’s not a bad idea to have a We Feed You meal or 2 in your freezer. What about some other examples?

  • Pasta/rice/grains
  • Frozen vegetables 
  • Canned tuna/salmon
  • Nuts/seeds
  • Canned tomatoes
  • Canned legumes/beans
  • Herbs/spices
  • Frozen fruit – either prepared by you or purchased

And what can I do with them?

  • Frozen peas – add some flour and eggs and you have fritters
  • Canned beans/lentils – add a can of tomatoes, herbs and spices to a wrap and you have a bean burrito
  • Pasta – puttanesca pasta by adding canned tuna, tomatoes and frozen peas
  • Nuts – place in a blender/food processor and blend to a nut butter – delicious spread on a seedy cracker

These are just some ideas, the opportunities are endless and a reminder that meals don’t need to be complex or involve lots of things to be quick and good for you!

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