We Feed You Milk Comparison Series: Rice Milk

Posted by Charlotte Miller on

How does rice milk stack up nutritionally? We’re glad you asked!

This grain-based milk option is made from milled rice and water, and like most ‘non-traditional’ milks, it will usually contain a number of additives to improve both the texture and flavour, making it a relatively highly processed product.  

You may or may not be surprised to learn that rice milk really isn’t a great source of nutrition, unless it’s been fortified. Rice milk is predominantly carbohydrate, is very low in fat, but also contains virtually no protein or valuable bone-building micronutrients like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium or vitamin D. Because of its poor nutrition profile, nutrition authorities advise against using rice milk as the main milk for infants, children and nutritionally compromised or underweight individuals, unless under the advice of a trained health professional.  

The wrap: If you enjoy the flavour of rice milk, make sure you’re drinking a brand that is fortified with protein and calcium. Try to include plenty of calcium and protein rich foods like green leafies, nuts, seeds - and if you eat fish - bony varieties are very nutritious.

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